I came across these great tips recently:
1-Clean your playing cards. Put your cards in a plastic bag with 1/2c flour and shake for about 1 minute. Remove the cards and shuffle several times over the sink to remove any flour residue.
2- Unstick a Lid. Dip the edge of a plastic lid that's too sticky into flour to prevent future sticking.
3- Clean Heavy, White Fabrics. Spot-clean heavier white fabrics by rubbing flour into the dirt and then brushing to clean.
4- Mix Up Some Glue. Make up craft glue for projects by mixing 1 part flour with 3 parts water. Boil, stirring, until it becomes paste. Make certain to store in the fridge.
5- Make play-dough. Knead together 1c water, 3c flour and 1tsp vegetable oil. Add color if desired. Store in the fridge wrapped in plastic and moisten as necessary.
Article from WomansDay Magazine May 2009
Neat. I've never heard of any of these tips before. Thanks for passing them on!
I didn't know it was that easy to make play dough! Great tip!!!
Amy @www.thecheapandchoosy.blogspot.com
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