Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wednesday Tip Day- Remove Lime Build-Up with Vinegar!

photo courtesy heinzvinegar.com

Do you have stubborn lime build up on your faucets?
This is one of the biggest problems in our home.
Soak a rag in vinegar, then wrap it around the faucet and secure using any clips you have around the house.  Let it sit for at least an hour.  The lime build up should come off easily!

June 2010 All You

You can snag a 50c/1 Heinz Vinegar coupon by registering here!


Beth said...

Can't wait to try this. Thanks for the tip!

Taylor at Stain-Removal-101.com said...

I love to use vinegar for cleaning too! Did you know it is the acetic acid in the vinegar which loosens the lime build up?

Anonymous said...

I put white vinegar in a labeled spray bottle and keep it with the rest of my cleaning supplies. I have glass shower doors that look wonderful but you can see the lime build up on them. I spray them down with vinegar, let it soak for a few minutes, and I'm literally able to wipe it off.