Well, I managed to keep my out-of-pocket costs lower this week than the past two weeks. This was, in part, due to some planned rolling of catalinas at Shoprite. Hooray for a MM CAT deal on the Snackwell bars.
Here's what I bought this week:
The training pants were a steal at just 15c! I was near Toys R'Us and stopped in thinking I might use a $2 IP for Seventh Generation on some refill packs of wipes. Much to my surprise, the only Seventh Generation item in the whole store was this package of training pants. Luck was on my side though. When I asked about the line of products the cashier said she wasn't sure of the store's plan, but items had been ringing up on clearance. I grabbed the pack and sure enough, they rang up on clearance. I was able to use a $2 Store Q with my IP and score these for 15c!
Total Spending this week = $27.64 (including the extra coupons I purchased for the Snackwell deal)
Total Savings this week = $234.60 or 89% Savings
Total Spending this month = $148.17
Total Savings this week = $419.42 or 74% Savings
That leaves just $51.83 to last through the29th of July. I'm thinking I can do it!
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