Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday's Tip: Snack on this;Tan on this!

Want the look of being out in this all day?  Do you desire perfect sun-kissed skin tones?
We all know the risks of sun exposure and are smart enough to protect our skin. You can spend money on an expensive bronzer or you can up your intake of brightly colored.....

fruits and veggies!  Carotenoids found in red, yellow, orange, and dark green produce are absorbed and give skin a golden glow.  So, next time you are at the market, choose your foods wisely and you'll have the best "veggie tan" on the block beach.

Source: Redbook Magazine

 This post is linked to:
Frugal Tuesday Tip
Works for Me Wednesday
Frugal Fridays


LivingSoAbundantly said...

Great advice. I will have to remember that when eating my veggies. ;)

Rachel @ day2day joys said...

Veggies are not only great for nutition reasons but for skin, Thanks for the reminder!

Thanks for linking up at Healthy 2day Wednesdays last week! Hope to see you add a post this week!